- Preparation of financial statements in BR GAAP;
- Conversion of financial statements to IFRS and US GAAP;
- Tax calculation, filling and sending of ancillary tax obligations;
- Personnel department services and fulfillment of its respective ancillary obligations;
- Tax and labor consultancy;
- Audit service;
- Due diligence;
- Accounting report through the cloud-based tool ACCOUNTFY.
Accounting is a complex data capture and processing service, based on transactions carried out by legal entities, their processes and various reports.
According to both local principles and international norms of accounting, we operate by dealing with said information not only to fulfill legal and societal obligations but also to generate accounting information with managerial views, which are of utmost importance when conducting your business.

Need more time to visit clients and carry out new projects?
Leave all the financial control of your company to us.
The financial BPO is the ideal solution for national and foreign companies that wish to keep focusing on their business. By outsourcing their financial routines to Along’s team of specialists, companies reduce risks and costs while raising their productivity and efficiency.

- Accounts payable
We take care of your accounts payable routine, from scheduling payments at the bank to the maintenance and projection of future payments.
- Receivables
We take care of the entire billing routine, invoice issuance and collection.
- Bank account management and reconciliation
You will never again waste any time comparing financial information from payments and receipts recorded by banks, let alone enter this information manually into some management software. We monitor and update your account balances and cash inflows and outflows on a daily basis.
- Financial dashboard
We provide reliable real-time information through reports concerning revenue, costs and expenses, so that you can understand about your company’s financial health and make accurate decisions.
Because Along uses integrated management software, our clients monitor everything that happens to their businesses online with total security, 24 hours a day wherever they are.
We assist entrepreneurs with the bureaucratic processes of their companies.
- Opening of companies;
- Contractual changes;
- Dissolution of partnerships;
- Issuance of debt clearance certificates;
- Record of minutes;
- SICAF (suppliers registration system);
- BACEN (Central Bank of Brazil).

We handle the proccess of issuing your digital certificate, providing guidance for choosing the most suitable for your business.
- E-CPF A1 in file format;
- E-CPF A3 (smart card or token);
- E-CNPJ A1 (file);
- E-CNPJ A3 (smart card or token);
- A-3 Certificate (smart card or token);
- E-juridico A3 (smart card);
- E-Medico A1 (file);
- E-Saude A3 (smart card);
- Electronic invoice (file).

We assist tax residents in Brazil in the process of fulfilling their obligations towards the RFB (the Brazilian revenue service agency) and the Central Bank.
- Annual income tax statements for individuals;
- Tax calculation on capital gain and net gain in variable income;
- Calculation of mandatory monthly payment (known as ‘carnê leão’);
- Preparation of statement of Brazilian capital abroad (CBE) for the Central Bank;
- E-social for domestic workers.

Over the last few years, we have noticed the increasing amount of companies which operate cryptoassets and create more sophisticated products each month to meet market demand. And with that, the demand for accountants with knowledge of this new world is also on the rise.
But how does crypto-accounting take place? So far we do not have specific legislation for the accounting treatment of cryptocurrencies. In June 2019, the IFRS interpretations committee issued a decision through Agenda Paper 12 (Holding of Cryptocurrencies), which states that cryptoassets are not financial assets, and that if they are purchased with the aim of being sold in the course of a company’s activities they must be accounted for as inventories, otherwise they will be accounted for as intangible assets.

And how does ALONG work with its client?
The ALONG team maps the cryptocurrency operations that are performed by the client, such as OTC, Arbitrage, Market Maker and Mandates, and understands the revenue-generating facts and their tax impacts. They then define the chart of accounts and the script for accounting records.
The objective is to make the financial statements reflect in a reliable way the operations carried out by the client, serving as a management tool and generating security for the partners and other people involved in the entire process.
Startups have gained prominence when it comes to innovation. They are young companies in the initial stage of their activities and seek to use technology in order to develop and boost products and services which may have a rapid growth in the market.
And what does ALONG make of its role in this innovative environment?
First of all, we are not just accountants. We present ourselves as partners of this business model already in the maturation stage of your projects, whether they are products or services. We understand that our role goes beyond fulfilling the obligations inherent to the company in the business environment.

- We act in the tax and accounting design of the company since its creation, tying all these aspects and the operational ones together in search of the best tax efficiency;
- We offer guidance to companies when it comes to financial management, with the objective of mitigating tax, labor and accounting contingencies;
- We encourage the use of financial management platforms such as NIBO, with the objective of bringing security and reducing the weight of tasks such as billing, accounts payable and cash flow management;
- We generate quality accounting reports and reflect in the financial statements the management characteristics of the business, such as costs, revenues, research and development expenses and intangible assets;
- We encourage the use of accounting as a management tool;
- We offer our clients financial management, legalization, issuance and digital certificate management services, so that their companies can increasingly focus on the development of their products and services.